By submitting your online application and registration form you agree to adhere to the following:

Are you Eligible to Compete?

  • Must be a natural born female and a United States citizen.
  • Those competing in Teen and Miss must not be married, never have been married, and never have had a marriage annulled.
  • Must be a resident of, employed in or student at a school in the Purchase District area. (see map)
  • Must have either:     
  1. Resided in Western Kentucky or Western Tennessee as her permanent and primary residence for a period of at least six consecutive months immediately prior to the Pageant (although she may have attended school, college or university on a full-time basis elsewhere during all or part of that period),
  2. Resided in Western Kentucky or Western Tennessee as a full time student at a school, college or university for one entire semester, trimester or summer session immediately prior to the commencement of the Pageant and is still enrolled as a full time student at her school, college or university and will continue to reside in the State (although she may have spent or be spending the summer in another State). “Permanent and primary residence” means your titleholders true, fixed and permanent domicile which she intends to make her permanent home.
  3. Those that are of legal working age may work in Western Kentucky or Western Tennessee (to reside in another State and use the Work stipulation, the entrant must be able to show that they are employed within the Western Kentucky or Western Tennessee to compete at least part time which is 25 hours or more per week.) 
  • Has never posed nude in film or print.
  • Acknowledges that if selected to represent the Purchase District, they will participate in charitable events, photo ops, speaking events and other platforms as coordinated and directed by Purchase District Pageant organization.
  • Neither you nor any member of your immediate family (i.e. mother, father, sister or brother) or anyone living in your household is currently, or has within the last two (2) years been, employed by or an officer, director or agent of any of the following: (i) you, any company or enterprise you own or control, or a company or enterprise under common ownership or control with you; or (ii) us, If any of these conditions change before or during competition at the Purchase District Pageant, you must inform us immediately when you find out about the change, so that we can determine your titleholders eligibility.

Behavior and Sportsmanship 

  • ALL Contestants, Parents, and Audience members MUST demonstrate good sportsmanship. Any verbal or physical abuse toward contestants or directors before, during, or after the pageant will result in disqualification of the contestant WITHOUT refund.
  • We ask that you keep in mind that this is a FAMILY event. At no point is cursing, swearing, drinking, or other distracting behaviors at ANY pageant related event tolerated. Pageant titles, Pageant Cash, and awards will be forfeited by those not adhering to this rule. We are all here to have fun and those that cannot enjoy themselves in a respectable manner will be asked to leave and asked not to return to a Purchase District Pageant production. Registration, Payments and Deadlines
  • Registration times are posted in advance for ease of giving you ample time to register for the event. There are no registrations on the day off and PDP stops acceptance of all applications 2 weeks prior and may cut off sooner at their discretion.
  • Regarding payments- I understand that no payments made to the PDP office at any time are refundable or transferable to another party. I understand that by submitting your online application that you waive all right to refund.  Each contestant is responsible for their application fee and a minimum $500 sponsorship funding, due 2 weeks prior to pageant date.
  • Regarding deadlines-  Failure to comply with any deadline will result in a 10%-point deduction PER judge. Paperwork, Monetary deadlines, and any other dates posted or emailed by the national office are subject to this rule. We will continue to remind contestants about deadlines two (2) weeks prior, one (1) week prior and three (3) days prior. All things are TO BE EMAILED, to be received in the office on the due date, not postmarked by the due date.

Dress and Apparel Guidelines

Teen and Miss Age Divisions: Modest two-piece dresses are allowed. No more than two (2) inches of midriff showing is permitted. Custom gowns are allowed.

Makeup and Hair Guidelines

•Teen and Miss: Contestants are allowed to wear false eyelashes as long as they are not a distraction from the natural facial beauty of the contestant. Extensions are permitted as long as they are natural looking, and permanently/semi-permanently attached. The makeup policy will be strictly enforced and a makeup check will be conducted.  NO FAKE HAIR permitted.

Judging and Scoring

•Judges decisions and scores are final as the director has no influence as to how your child is scored. Please remember this is the opinion of the judge on that given day, and it does not reflect the opinion of our directors.

•Score sheets are returned to you digitally via delivery of your email address on file with the PDP Office within fourteen (14) business days after the pageant. Please note our normal business hours of Monday- Thursday. “Business days” will adhere to 14 days during our normal office hours.

Ticketing Policy

•All patrons will be required to purchase a ticket to the competitions. Contestants do not need a “ticket” to the show.  Stage Holding Area and Rehearsals

• You may not “watch” others from the backstage area or wait for your contestant. A PDP staff member will be monitoring all backstage, dressing, and holding areas. If your child goes on stage alone, she/he will need to be dropped off at the stage holding area while you watch from the “parent area” at the side of the stage.

• An adult will need to sign in and sign out contestants under the age of 18. Accommodation Amendment to above: If there are contestants with anxiety issues and require a parent backstage or in rehearsal, that is something we will evaluate on a case by case basis. If you need to speak with us or make arrangements, please email us at and speak with us at registration to remind us. We will have a specific band for you. We want to make sure all are comfortable. Also, if we see that a parent is needed backstage with a contestant, a staff member will make sure to make arrangements with you, again, on a case by case basis.


•All payments are nonrefundable. No door entries will be accepted. Those with balances for entry will need to pay in cash or credit card only. No checks will be accepted at the pageant.


•PDP reserves the right to use any of your social media, competition and crowning photos taken as advertising and promotional purposes. 




Next Living Wellness

Crown Sponsor


Joann's of South Fulton

Gown Sponsor


Dillard's Paducah

Dress Sponsor


Maria Montgomery Mentoring

Coach Sponsor